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Miller Park Zoo 2008
Bloomington, Illinois

Halfway across Illinois we stopped to see my sister who was still working to keep my social security check coming so she sent us over here to the Miller Park Zoo which we enjoyed so much we purchased a membership. Like the gardens many zoos belong to a reciprocal program allowing members of one zoo to get in free or at a reduced rate to others. We are finding some zoos violate the spirit of the program by giving a discount off the adult (not senior) admission and adding a rather stiff parking fee but generally the membership is a good deal.

Otter Otter Otter

Everybody seems to like the otters and they appear just so cute. While they are very playful, one of their favorite games is to steal their buddy's food so at feeding time they get really really serious and are very clear you should keep your distance.

Coatimundi Tufed Deer Ibis

Checking out some of the special animals in the zoo. The two guys with the long tails are Coatimundi, The gray fellow is a Tufed Deer, and the reddish bird is an Ibis. About this point I'm starting to take a picture of the plant or animal and then a picture of any placard that may be available to provide both identification and any little interesting tidbits I can pass on to you.

Sea Lion Sea Lion Sea Lion

By far the most noise was coming from the Sea Lions who knew feeding time was approaching.

Sea Lion

They are not that good at telling time because they started about an hour early unless they had not adjusted to the change from Daylight Savings Time. Their basic attitude is I'll do anything for a fish. Animal training is based on rewarding natural behavior. The trainer waits for the animal to do something desired and then reinforces that behaviors with a treat. Frequently they can learn to respond to body, voice, or whistle signals and not require a treat everytime. Here they are training the audience as well.

Singing Dog

Second on the noise list was the New Guinea singing dog which is not just a name but a behavior. He especially liked to accompany the emergency vehicles as they passed the busy street outside the zoo.

Galapagos Tortoise Praying Mantis

On our way to watch the Galapagos Tortoise who were actually moving we spotted this Praying Mantis waiting for lunch among the flowers growing next to the path.


The eagle has a damaged wing and is unable to do much more than hop up on this branch so his cage is only partially enclosed mainly to keep visitors out rather than him inside. While we were resting on a bench positioned precisely to get photographs with a mostly natural background the zoo director drove by in his little golf cart and asked how we liked the zoo, When I explained being very appreciative of the photographer friendly eagle enclosure but complained about the wire mesh around the red pandas he offered to take me inside. WOW!

Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda

When we first entered the enclosure one brother was up high on this branch and the other on the ground. I took this picture from about three feet away before he started getting nervous and I backed off. His brother was also alarmed and started up the branches keeping a very wary eye on me. Finally they were both on the upper level facing the rude photographer together.